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Contact Us

Inquiry by E-mail

Please note the following upon inquiry.

*Each inquiry by email may not be replied individually.
All emails will be replied on weekdays 10:00am to 6:00pm (except holidays and year-end/new year).

*Inquiries may be replied by means other than email, depending on the matter of inquiry.

*All personal information (including email, address, name, telephone number) will be used only for the purpose of replying to inquiry, unless otherwise notified in advance.

*All promotional emails will not be accepted.

*Requests for data reference or surveys will not be replied.

*All replies from the Festival Office are intended for personal use. Please refrain from posting the content on bulletin boards or announcing to third party in any other way.

*The Festival Office will not be responsible for any viral attacks, errors, or damages to computer while inquiry.

The item with "*" is a compulsory.

Please choose matter of inquiry


ex) Tokyo Saburo

E-Mail Adress

ex) tokyo@tiff.net


- -

ex) 03-1234-5678

Company name /Organization name

Matter of inquiry