Relaying comments: Reflections on 21st TIFF (Part III)
■TOYOTA Earth Grand Prix
『Ashes from the Sky』Jose Antonio Quiros (dir.)Comments from Loris Omedes (prod.)

Jose Antonio Quiros (dir.) and Loris Omedes (prod.) [Left]
○What are your impressions for participating in TIFF?
I came to Japan with a strong enthusiam when my film entry for TIFF was determined. I had a good experience meeting Japanese people. I am very happy to have been able to show my film here and for recieving an award.
○What are your thoughts about TOYOTA EARTH Grand Prix?
It is extremely difficult in my country to gather production budget for making film. I hope there will be more opportunity for financing my film in future because of the award that I've recieved from this festival. The best thing of all is that my message about the ecology has reached the audience.